What I do: Part 3 - - - Ongoing support.

Training, Spare Parts, Preventative Maintenance, and Tech Support.


Now that the machines are in place and functioning within specifications it is time to train the operators and technicians how to run production. In order to achieve predictable results, procedures need to be determined and followed. I develop S.O.P.s for clients and can even provide an S.O.P. template for other internal uses. 

Using the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance plan and my own experience with individual pieces of machinery, I then can develop a Preventative Maintenance plan (PM’s). While still on-site I can train the client’s technicians on how to perform these, what to look for, and how to develop the PMs further with the added experience of ongoing production. Each facility and company’s culture is different and these PMs need to reflect this while maintaining equipment consistency and efficiency as priorities.

Based on the availability of parts, the likelihood of failure, and the location of the facility I also help develop a suggested spare parts inventory. While all these parts are available from the manufacturers, they are rarely the most cost effective source of parts. I can use my experience in equipment support to help the client source these in a more cost effective manner.

Lastly, I provide tech support for all machinery. I can be on call or onsite with one phone call, depending upon the severity of the situation. Often times a technician can call me and I’ll walk them through troubleshooting steps. I have all manuals, schematics, and pictures of the machines stored in my database and can access them from anywhere. Since I have worked with all these equipment suppliers before, I have the phone number of key technicians for the O.E.M. if the problem is out of the realm of my abilities.